Mind Body Education
Award-Winning Training For Holistic Therapists

Postgraduate Courses

Take your holistic training to the next level with postgraduate training courses.

  • Offer a wider variety of services.
  • Provide a deeper level of service.
  • Reach a wider audience.
  • Increase your client base.
  • Re-ignite your passion.
  • Expand your knowledge base.
  • Build on your skill set.
  • Develop your holistic counselling skills.
  • Specialize in niche areas. 

Postgraduate training to take your skillset and your wellbeing business to the next level

Postgraduate courses are delivered via our user-friendly online dashboard and comprised of 40 hours of study each.
Full-time study = 4 weeks (10 hours per week).
Part-time study = 8  weeks (5 hours per week).
Students receive a certificate for each course completed, and certain courses lead to new qualification levels, including:

  • Certificate in Corporate Stress Management and Holistic Training and Assessment
  • Certificate in Advanced Meditation Teaching and Holistic Human Development
  • Advanced Practitioner of Meditation Therapies Training Course
  • Advanced Practitioner of Holistic Empowerment Coaching Training Course
  • Master Practitioner of Holistic Empowerment Coaching Training Course
  • Master Practitioner of Holistic Counselling Training Course
  • Master Practitioner of Meditation Teaching and Holistic Counselling Training Course
The Certificate in Meditation Teaching OR the Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy Practitioner Training Program are prerequisites for all Postgraduate courses.

Course Fees

 Postgraduate Course  Fee = $550 (inc GST)

Prerequisite: Students must have successfully completed the Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy practitioner training course OR the MBE Certificate in Meditation Teaching OR the Master Practitioner in Holistic Art Therapy training course to enrol in the following programs.

Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR)
 The Autonomic Nervous System is responsible for determining which neurochemicals and what amounts are released into our bodies; these chemicals create the physical environment our cells form and live in. This course explores the link between the way we chose to think (our perception), the neurochemicals those mental states determine, and how chemical imbalances cause disease. Based on clinical evidence, ANSR investigates how and why what we think influences our level of physical wellbeing and explains, in practical terms, how changing our thinking process will dramatically improve our physical health. 

Certificate in Brain Body Medicine

 This course explores why people can find themselves ‘trapped’ in old belief systems, negative thinking, and habitual ideas that do not contribute to living happy or healthy lives. It provides a deeper understanding of the simple and practical tools we can use to help adopt a more positive and healthier thinking process. It includes an in-depth exploration of how and why particular thinking patterns manifest into specific physical illnesses. Based on scientific research and humanistic psychology, this course takes the mystery out of mind body medicine and brings a popular theory into a new light as a concrete healing modality. 

Certificate in Advanced Holistic Counselling Therapy.
 This course delves deeper into the practicalities of holistic counseling therapy. You will study communication skills (verbal and nonverbal), building counselor/client relationships, relationship counseling, the holistic counseling process, mental and emotional wellbeing, counseling parents, counseling teenagers, and releasing past trauma. This course also looks at the important ethical aspects of holistic counseling and will guide you in developing a completely professional practice. 

Certificate in Holistic Marriage and Relationship Counselling.  
This course provides students with the skills and information required to counsel married couples, unmarried couples, families, siblings, and others involved in close relationships who are seeking assistance to overcome difficulties within the relationship. In this role the Marriage and Relationship Counsellor will often act as a mediator and will provide the couple (or family) with positive communication skills and life tools to assist them in expressing their emotions in a positive and non-blameful manner, taking responsibility for their part in the relationship breakdown, setting goals and identifying desired outcomes for themselves and the relationship. 

Certificate in Holistic Trauma and Abuse Counselling. 
Trauma and Abuse Counselling works to assist people whose lives have been adversely affected through being abused or traumatized either physically and/or psychologically. This may include sexual abuse, violent physical attacks, bullying at home and school or in the workplace, domestic violence, or witnessing or being involved in a traumatic incident or accident. The Trauma and Abuse Counsellors provide support, guidance and resources for the client to overcome the trauma and begin to implement strategies and positive life habits that allow them to live a normal, balanced life again. Trauma and Abuse Counsellors must also have a thorough understanding of referral networks and the cycle of domestic violence as some of their clients may still be experiencing abuse and require guidance in removing themselves from danger. 

Certificate in Holistic Grief and Loss Counselling.
Grief and Loss counselling becomes necessary when a person is so disabled by their grief and so overwhelmed by their loss that their normal coping processes are disabled or shut down. People may require Grief and Loss Counselling after the death of a loved one after a long-term relationship ends or even after losing their job. All people experience grief and loss differently. Grief counseling facilitates the expression of emotion and thoughts about the loss, including their feeling sad, anxious, angry, lonely, guilty, relieved, isolated, confused, or numb. Holistic Grief and Loss Counsellors are able to provide clients with coping skills, emotional support, and resources (and sometimes referrals) to help support them through the normal grieving process and also through what is known as ‘complicated grief’ (which occurs when the client gets stuck in or does not progress through, the natural stages of grief on their own. 

Certificate in Meditation Therapy for the Management of Depression and Anxiety.  
This course provides people with the tools required to self-manage depression and anxiety as well as better manage stress in daily life. As we witness the distressing increase in the number of people dependent on antidepressant drugs to cope with daily life, we realize how essential it has become to provide natural and self-managed alternatives to medication as a standalone treatment. Teaching Meditation for Depression and Anxiety is particularly useful for practitioners who wish to focus on the epidemic of stress, depression, and anxiety-related disorders that are rampant in our society. 

Certificate in Meditation Therapy for the Management of Pain and Healing.  
Modern research has confirmed the age-old wisdom that meditation has the ability to cure many physical and psychological ailments. This training program allows practitioners to specialize in the area of self-empowered healing and personal pain management and covers self-healing, recovery, and meditation for pain management. This is an excellent course for anyone who is interested in working in the holistic healing field and combines particularly well with Chair Yoga teaching. 

Certificate in Meditation for Children.  
This is a great course for those with a special interest in children. Teaching meditation to children is very different from teaching adults and offers young students a fantastic first step toward a lifetime of health and happiness. The kids’ classes are lots of fun and high energy. Children learn the basics of traditional yoga poses through role play. They learn about how their bodies work, how to look after themselves, and how to be calm and relaxed as well as developing a myriad of important positive life skills to help them cope with the pressures of daily life. Learning meditation also significantly contributes to better sleeping patterns for children and a wide range of other health and emotional benefits for kids and their parents. 

Certificate in Prenatal Meditation.  
Prenatal meditation and the use of meditation during childbirth contribute significantly to a more peaceful, faster, and less painful birthing experience. It also helps to create a calmer, happier baby and a more confident, relaxed mother. This is a wonderful and rewarding field to teach meditation in and the program you will learn to facilitate can be offered as a two-day workshop or adapted for a weekly class structure. 

Certificate in Meditation Therapy for Men’s Holistic Health and Wellbeing.
This course offers a fantastic opportunity to explore the issues many men face in our modern society. Subjects include men and communication, understanding anger, facing fear, sexuality, men’s roles in modern society, rites of passage, fatherhood, men’s health, and cultivating creativity for men. This course also covers running workshops and retreats for men, including warrior-style workshops and celebrations of manhood. 

Certificate in Meditation Therapy for Women’s Midlife Health and Wellbeing. 
This course will prepare you to support women in transition and guide them with beautiful tools that assist in developing high self-esteem, self-empowerment, inner strength, trust, self-love, joy, and forgiveness. You will also learn about the physical effects of menopause, explore social attitudes regarding women and aging and develop an understanding of the effects of diet, exercise, and meditation during menopause. This course also covers running workshops and retreats for women, including goddess-style workshops and celebrations of womanhood. 

Certificate in Meditation Therapy for Weight Management.
This course will assist you in developing a good understanding of the causes underlying weight problems, eating disorders, and obesity; the physical and emotional impact these conditions have on people’s health and quality of life, and teach you how to facilitate workshops that assist people in accomplishing a healthy body weight, developing and maintaining healthy lifestyles, healthier mindsets, and a more positive self-image. You will also be able to assist people in adopting healthy eating habits, basic exercise programs, and meditation routines and guide them towards developing positive thinking skills. Your clients and students will be exposed to a new understanding of why they have weight issues and will be inspired to apply new, practical, and achievable ideas. They will have the resources and support they need to overcome the root causes of their weight issues and move forward into a healthier and happier future.

Certificate in Corporate Stress Management.
 Stress can have a major effect on work performance. Some of the consequences include absenteeism, diminished performance, negative attitude and cynicism, a decline in commitment and creativity, and a decreased ability to concentrate, learn and interact with other employees. Stressed workers can also develop a range of negative health symptoms including insomnia, headaches, back pain, gastrointestinal disorders, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, and depression. This course focuses on developing your skills as a Corporate Stress Management Consultant and using your qualification to help build strong workplace stress management programs, better self-esteem among employees, stronger workplace teams, and greater productivity levels for business owners.

Certificate in Elemental Movement Meditation
Movement meditation encourages natural and authentic self-expression and provides a means of reconnecting with our most primal, graceful, and authentic selves. It opens our creative life force, expands awareness, and develops equanimity. Students will experience the benefits of movement meditation and learn how to facilitate courses and workshops for a range of different groups.

Certificate in Sound Therapy and Vibrational Healing
A living cell is a blend of resonant frequencies. Vibrational healing influences cellular health by changing its frequency through sympathetic resonance. Sound Therapy acts as a catalyst for healing by transferring energy frequencies into the physical body. This type of therapy has been used in medicine in both treatment and diagnostics for many years. Learn how and why this intriguing therapy works and experience Sound Therapy and Vibrational Healings self-evident benefits for yourself.

Certificate in Holistic Therapies for PTSD
Based on the ground-breaking work of psychiatrist, author, and educator Bessel van der Kolk, who has been at the forefront of research in the area of post-traumatic stress since the 1970s. Dr van der Kolk has spent his career studying how children and adults adapt to traumatic experiences and have interpreted his findings into his book; The Body Keeps the Score. Students will explore what PTSD is, how it is recorded in the brain, and how it affects the development of the cells. You will also discover very effective ways to support your clients to move beyond PTSD into self-empowerment and improved mental, emotional, and physical health.

Certificate in the ART of Meditation
 Creating art is a type of meditation that can have fast and profound healing benefits. Art-making is a natural vehicle for meditation, relaxation, and self-connection. It increases awareness and emphasizes the acceptance of feelings and thoughts without judgment. It is a catalyst for the relaxation of the body and the mind. Creative therapy is useful whereas talk therapy is ineffective because the client cannot express their issues in words. It assists clients in exploring, expressing, and accepting their thought and feelings in a peaceful and self-empowering way.

Certificate in Inner Child Work
 So many, if not all, emotional issues and mental health problems can be traced back to childhood trauma. Inner child work is a way of effectively identifying and resolving childhood trauma. It is focused on the experiences, emotions, and unconscious beliefs still being held onto by the adult as a result of childhood experiences. It helps to develop a sense of safety as well as connects us to the joy, innocence, playfulness, openness, and confidence of childhood. 

Certificate in Holistic Telephone Counselling.
This course prepares students to offer telephone and online counseling therapy for clients who are unable to attend in person for various reasons. These reasons may include family or work commitments, disability, location, lack of transport, or isolation. Telephone counselors need special skills to ensure the client experiences as close as possible to the safe and nurturing environment the counselor would provide in a face-to-face consultation.  

 Advanced Practitioner in Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapies (Vibrational Therapy and Sound Healing)

 Prerequisite: Students must have successfully completed the Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy Practitioner Training Course. 

Course commencement: As this course is online, you can commence your studies at any time. 

Delivery style: This is a 4-module intensive course, delivered online with written lectures and audio-visual presentations.

Students can access their course modules via our user-friendly online delivery platform. 

• Introduction to the power and effectiveness of sound therapy and vibration healing   • Review of Cymatics  • The healing process  • The history of Sound Therapy  • The science behind sound therapy  • The healing frequencies  • The harmful frequencies  • Energy Fields  • Using sound and vibration to work with the underlying causes of pain, illness and disease.  • Releasing trauma with sound therapy  • Working with clients – developing supportive professional relationships.  • Skills and techniques for working with (easy-to-play) instruments: Tibetan (Himalayan) and Crystal Singing Bowls; Tuning Forks, Gongs; Therapeutic Drumming and Percussion; Your Healing Voice.  • Sound Baths, healing rituals and ceremonies  • Working with specific conditions: Tinnitus: Addiction: Depression: Anxiety disorder: PTSD: Dementia: Autism spectrum disorders: People with learning difficulties:  Behavioral and psychiatric disorders: Sleep disorders: Aches and pains: Alzheimer’s and dementia: High blood pressure: Stress-related issues.  • Designing and facilitating Vibration and Sound Therapy  workshops 

Advanced Courses for Postgraduate Students

Certificate in Corporate Stress Management and Holistic Training and Assessment

  • Holistic Training and Assessment
  • Certificate in Corporate Stress Management

Certificate in Advanced Meditation Teaching
and Holistic Human Development

  • Certificate in Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy
  • Certificate in Brain-Body Medicine
  • Certificate in Advanced Holistic Counselling for Meditation Teachers

Advanced Practitioner of Meditation Therapies 

Prerequisite:  Advanced Meditation Teaching and Holistic Human Development Practitioner Training Course

  • Any two PG courses of the student’s choice.

Advanced Practitioner of Holistic
Empowerment Coaching 

Prerequisite: Advanced Meditation Teaching and Holistic Human Development Practitioner Training Course

  • Certificate in Holistic Telephone Counselling
  • Certificate in Holistic Grief and Loss Counselling
  • Certificate in Holistic Trauma and Abuse Counselling

Master Practitioner of Holistic
Empowerment Coaching 

Prerequisite: Practitioner of Holistic Empowerment Coaching Training Course

  • Certificate in Holistic Marriage and Relationship Counselling
  • Certificate in Holistic Therapies for PTSD
  • Certificate in Inner-Child Work

Master Practitioner of  Holistic Counselling 

Prerequisite: Master Practitioner of Holistic Empowerment Coaching 

  • Holistic Counselling Skills
  • Clinical Practice
  • Case studies 
  • Holistic Psychotherapy
  • Master Practitioner of Holistic Counselling Thesis

Master Practitioner of Meditation Teaching and Holistic Counselling 

Prerequisite:Master Practitioner of Holistic Counselling Training Course

  • Certificate in Meditation for Women in Transition and Women’s Mid-life Health and Wellbeing
  • Certificate in Meditation for Men’s Health and Wellbeing
  • Meditation Course Design
  • 30 Hour case study
